Late in 2024, our church introduced the ability to give by utilizing our new Giving page. This lives side-by-side our prior giving solution on Breeze (which includes Text-2-Give) and will eventually replace it in 2025, resulting in a significant yearly financial savings for the church.
We are encouraging existing givers to utilize the new Giving page over Breeze as we attempt to close down Breeze altogether. In the meanwhile, you can still utilize Breeze to view your giving for the 2024-2025 year. If you've only donated by text and never accessed the site or app to view your account (or just having trouble), please work with Church Admin Myles Akeem Singleton to gain access to your giving in Breeze. If you used the church website for giving, you can access your 2024 giving history in the Annual Giving section under your account. Just click your profile name and select Annual Giving.
Need more help? Watch our instructional video on how to find your giving history in both apps/websites. We are grateful and blessed by your continued faithfulness to our Lord in this area.